Priority Queues (Binary Heap)

  1. Introduction
  2. Array Representation of Binary Heap
  3. MinHeap vs. MaxHeap
  4. Insert
  5. DeleteMax
  6. Preserving the Heap Order Property
  7. BuildHeap
  8. Heapsort
  9. Analysis

9. Analysis

Height of a heap is the height of its root. It can be shown that the height of a heap of size n is ⌊lg n⌋
Example 2: If there are 10 items in a heap (n = 10), the height of the heap is ⌊lg 10⌋ = ⌊3,32...⌋ = 3.

Complexity of MAX-HEAPIFY in the worst case is when the MAX-HEAPIFY function is called once on each level of the heap.

There are h + 1 = ⌊lg n⌋ + 1 levels in the heap.

From this it follows that the time complexity of the algorithms is T(n) = O(lg n).

Complexity of insert and deleteMin/Max operations

Since the deleteMin/Max operation uses the HEAPIFY algorithm, the time complexity of deleteMin/Max is also O(lg n).

Exercises: Analysis

a) Analyse the worst case time complexity of insertion of a single item.

b) Deduce what is the time complexity of building a heap using single insertions (N items are added to the heap, one at a time).

a) What is the worst case time complexity of Heapsort?

Previous Chapter: Heapsort

This document was last updated 13.8.2009. Please send your comments to Mikko Laakso, Ari Korhonen, and Ville Karavirta.